Our articles, works, published books and prizes

Luison, A. 2006. Geoclemys hamiltonii: una bellezza rara!. Testudo Magazine. 0: 10-14.
Luison, A. 2006. Ocadia sinensis: una pacifica invasione dall’oriente. Testudo Magazine. 1: 26-30.
Redaelli, S. 2006. Kinosternon subrubrum hippocrepis: allevamento e riproduzione. Testudo Magazine. 0: 20-23.
Redaelli, S. 2007. Geoemyda spengleri, l'incredibile tartaruga foglia. Testudo Magazine. 2: 4-9.
Luison, A. 2007. Budino per tartarughe: un alimento speciale! Testudo Magazine. 2: 18-21.
Redaelli, S. 2007. Allevamento di Melanochelys trijuga thermalis. Testudo Magazine. 5: 8-12.
Luison, A. 2009. Le nascite straordinarie: Clemmys guttata
Testudo Magazine. 10: 32-33.
Luison, A. & Redaelli, S. 2009. Captive Maintenance and Breeding of the Striped Mud Turtle Kinosternon baurii GARMAN, 1891
Emys. 16(1): 19-25.
Luison, A. 2010. Biologia e riproduzione di Kinosternon scorpioides scorpioides.
Testudo Magazine. 14: 14-21.
Conferences and Meetings
Luison, A. 2007. The Spotted Pond Turtle Geoclemys hamiltonii, a beautiful but rare turtle species from southern Asia.
First European Freshwater Turtle Breeders' Convention
Paris, March 23 - 25, 2007
Redaelli, S. 2007. Keeping and breeding the Mississippi Mud Turtle Kinosternon subrubrum hippocrepis.
First European Freshwater Turtle Breeders' Convention
Paris, March 23 - 25, 2007
Redaelli, S. 2008. The Razorback Musk Turtle Sternotherus carinatus, a rare turtle species from the southeastern USA.
Second European Freshwater Turtle Breeders' Convention
Venice, Febraury 22 - 24, 2008
Luison, A. 2008. Keeping and breeding the Chinese Striped Turtle Mauremys (Ocadia) sinensis
Second European Freshwater Turtle Breeders' Convention
Venice, Febraury 22 - 24, 2008
Luison, A. - Redaelli, S. 2009. Biologia, allevamento e riproduzione di Kinosternon bauri
Tartarughe meeting 2009 - TartaClubItalia
Cattolica, 28 febbraio, 2009

Luison, A. & S. Redaelli. 2006. Le tartarughe d'acqua. Free copy Tarta Club Italia.

16pp. Color. Italian.
A free guide to help people with the most common aquatic turtles sold on pet shops: alimentation, care, housing, growth and size...


Luison, A. & S. Redaelli. 2008.
Tartarughe acquatiche e palustri: la guida completa
Freshwater turtles and terrapins: the complete guide

208pp. Color. Italian/English.
In the first part various types of enclosures used to house freshwater turtles are described in great detail. The second part consists of caresheets that deal with the biology, behavior in captivity and in the wild, maximum size, housing, feeding and breeding of a selected 70 species. The lengthy bibliography at the end allows the reader to deepen his/her knowledge of the subject. Because of the large number of species represented, including some that are rarely maintained in captivity, the book offers both newcomers as well as experienced breeders valuable information on freshwater turtles and terrapins.


Luison, A. & S. Redaelli. 2008. Le tartarughe acquatiche. Free copy Tarta Club Italia.

16pp. Color. Italian.
A free guide to help people with the most common aquatic turtles sold on pet shops: alimentation, care, housing, growth and size...


Zhou, T.; Wang W.; Blanck, T.; McCord, W. Luison, A.. 2008. Atlas Turtles Farmed in China.
Editors:Ting ZHOU & Wei WANG
Bejing ,Agriculture Publ.Comp. China

250pp. Color. Chinese.
The content is primary introduced on current status of breeding chelonians in captivity in modern china; accessorial introduced for current status and techniques of captive breeding chelonians in different chinese provinces, Europe, USA, and Italy. 50 species are described; 29 hybridization are introduced.

First place: Andrea Luison, Clemmys guttata
Tartarughe Beach 2004
Third place: Stefano Redaelli, Kinosternon subrubrum hippocrepis
Tartarughe Beach 2004
Second place: Andrea Luison, Photographic contest
Tartarughe Beach 2004
Third place: Stefano Redaelli, Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima manni
Tartarughe Beach 2005
First place: Stefano Redaelli, Photographic contest
Tartarughe Beach 2005
Official judges for Freshwater Turtles and Terrapin Class Tartarughe Beach 2006
Official judges for Freshwater Turtles and Terrapin Class Tartarughe Beach 2007
Special prize: Andrea Luison e Stefano Redaelli “Tarta Club Italia” Tartarughe Beach 2007
Official judges for Freshwater Turtles and Terrapin Class Tartarughe Beach 2008
Official judges for Freshwater Turtles and Terrapin Class Tartarughe Beach 2009